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New Jersey Home Care News

Trips for NJ Grandparents and Grandchildren

Family vacations are bonding experiences that make memories to last a lifetime; to encourage these important moments between grandparents and grandchildren Grandtravel specializes in unique vacations for this demographic. Recently partnering with the AARP, Grandtravel is offering $200 discounts to members of the organization, to take their loved ones, aged 7-17 on the trip of a lifetime to Alaska, Paris/London, Italy or New Zealand in 2009.

Grandtravel offers fully guided tours in small sized groups to families. Unlike with typical tour groups, guides are actually certified teachers, so the education component in visiting various destinations is enhanced. While the company mentions that this is primarily to cater for the grandchildren, this learning experience is great for seniors because it enhances their cognitive skills through their use of memory and recall skills.

Even if Grandtravel’s style of vacation is not for certain seniors, it doesn’t mean they still can’t enjoy their vacations with family. Whether they are vacationing in an assisted living facility or a senior rental community, grandchildren are always welcome for a visit; and having family members around can enhance the level of required care that’s being received while away.

With the holidays and New Year approaching, now is a good time for seniors to start making plans for 2009 and including loved ones in the process can make the experiences all the more special.


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