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Senior Long Term Planning – Wills or Living Trusts

Planning for home care in New Jersey can be difficult for most seniors. Deciding “how” to distribute your assets is another challenge for most aging Americans… Expert Home Care NJ has helped many seniors figure out “how to live independently at home and plan for the future when you can no longer care for yourself”. Call us when you need assistance with homemaker needs at (800) 848-2336.

Let’s talk about Wills or Living Trusts – most NJ elders and seniors cringe when thinking about which one is best for their assets.

The first answer to think about is who will get your money, your property, or even your favorite diamond ring or heirloom when you’re gone? We don’t like to dwell on these questions. The evidence? Few Hispanics have the main documents used to distribute property after death: only one in four has a will, and one in fivehas a living trust.

Yet if you decide early on exactly who gets what could relieve your loved ones of a the burden. After all, if you don’t decide, the government will. And you don’t want to go down that road!

Many seniors consider a will the best tool when making their wishes known to relatives. And in their opinion, the will is the best tool to carry out those wishes. That may be true in many cases. But according to some experts, a living trust, alone or with a will, offers a better solution.

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