Providing Live-In Home Care in New Jersey, Since 1985

New Jersey Home Care News

NJ Senior Tips for Home Care Savings

New Jersey’s Expert Home Care for Elders and Seniors provides care for your aging loved ones since 1984. Please call us when your loved one needs help – 800-848-2336.

Resources for Seniors in New Jersey

Why live should New Jersey elders live within their means or live frugally? First, because it allows you to spend less than monthly income. You can use the difference to pay off debt, save or invest. Seniors in NJ have more options with a frugal lifestyle.

Look for used first. If you need something for your home or closet, see if someone you know has one that they don’t use or need anymore.  Try making a few phone calls to a family member or friend, or simply ask around. A senior we know was looking to purchase a laptop, and then found out his daughter was given a new computer laptop at work and no longer needed hers. If no one you know owns whatever you are trying to purchase, consider going online to or Then look to buy used, at garage sales or thrift shops. You can find a bargain if you look around.

Read more Senior Care Savings Tips in New Jersey

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