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New Jersey Home Care News

NJ Planning for Seniors’ Travel

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Millions of older Americans love to travel and continue to do so. There are virtually no external limits on where you can go and what you can do. Here are some ideas to help you get the most out of your travels.

Choose your travel companion(s) wisely. With whom will you be traveling? If traveling with someone other than a spouse or partner, be sure you’re all compatible. You will spend a lot of time together, and flexibility is the key.

Be clear about the kind of travel experience you want. Do you want to relax, study, visit family and friends, volunteer, have an educational experience, or perhaps a combination of these?

Research the areas you will visit. Check seasonal weather conditions and the cultural climate. What time of year you will be traveling and how long will you be gone? Remember, when in Rome …

Know your budget. Are you looking for wonderful experiences on a modest budget or will it be first class all the way? Don’t underestimate costs. If on a tour, know what charges to expect. Read the fine print and ask good questions.

Be up-to-date on international currency exchange rates.

Consider your health. Do you or your traveling companions have health issues to consider? Plan ahead for any medical concerns that may need to be addressed along the way.

Be prepared to be flexible. How will you handle cancelled or delayed flights? Are you OK with eating as circumstances permit and adventurous about the kinds of food you will encounter?  

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