Providing Live-In Home Care in New Jersey, Since 1985

New Jersey Home Care News

NJ Elder Home Safety – Live In Care for Elders in New Jersey

New Jersey’s Expert Home Care for Elders and Seniors provides care for your aging loved ones since 1984. Please call us when your loved one needs help at home in NJ – 800-848-2336.

Keep Senior Falls to a Minimum

Every year about 25% of all seniors receive treatment for injuries cause solely by a trip or fall. So much does that happen that it has become the number one cause of injury for seniors in America. However, this can be avoided by “trip-proofing” both your home and lifestyle.

The object is to remove as many fall hazards as possible and by strengthening your body to deal with minor trips or falls (or to avoid them all together). First, keep a clean and tidy house. Unwanted objects or unseen clutter can easily lead to a trip or fall. Be sure to be especially careful on staircases or hallways; keep them clutter-free and well lit.

The bathroom will need minor changes to be as safe as possible. Install grab bars for easy access to the commode or shower stall. Put non-skid or non-slip on any floor object like a rug or bathroom mat that could slip while you’re standing on it.

Remain active both indoors and outdoors by exercising, walking or gardening. You’ll fortify your bones, strengthen your muscles and improve your overall balance and equilibrium. Top this all off with a good diet and low alcohol consumption and you’ve done your part to keeping your trips and falls to a minimum.

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