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Tips Your Senior Can Use to Keep Her Memory Strong

Companion Care at Home Bridgewater NJ-Keeping a loved one's memory going strong might mean that your senior makes a few changes in her lifestyle. Here are some ideas that can help.

One of the biggest concerns for many aging adults is that they’ll start to experience memory issues and decreases in brain health in general. There are some ways to manage memory and brain health that keep your senior’s brain strong, but they require your senior to take some action. Companion care at home providers can help your senior accomplish these goals.

Play Memory Games and Puzzles and Learn New Things

Companion Care at Home Bridgewater NJ - Tips Your Senior Can Use to Keep Her Memory Strong
Companion Care at Home Bridgewater NJ – Tips Your Senior Can Use to Keep Her Memory Strong

Memory games, puzzles, and other brain games are a lot of fun but they also serve a purpose. They help your elderly family member to keep her brain active and strong. There are tons of different types of brain games out there, so find the ones your elderly family member enjoys the most. Playing with those on a regular basis helps her to keep her brain working. Having companion care at home aides could assist her in accomplishing this.

Another thing that helps your senior to keep her brain strong is to keep learning new things on a regular basis. Your senior’s brain is made to keep seeking out new information and new skills. When she makes it a point to continue to learn new things, her brain is still working. There are lots of ways your elderly family member can do this with activities, facts, skills, and more.

Prioritize Healthy Eating Make it a Habit to Get Quality Sleep

It’s easy to forget this, but brain health involves physical health. And physical health is a lot easier to maintain when your elderly family member is eating a healthy diet. Getting the right mix of nutrients helps brain cells and the rest of your elderly family member’s body to stay strong and keep going. In-home care providers can help your elderly family member to have regular meals that are full of healthy ingredients.

Is your aging family member getting enough sleep? When your elderly family member isn’t getting enough sleep or the sleep she’s getting isn’t quality sleep, she may find it more difficult to concentrate and keep up with her daily routines. That’s because her brain needs deep and REM sleep cycles in order to stay healthy. Prioritizing good sleep habits helps to keep her brain working as it should.

Kick Vices Like Smoking

Habits like drinking a little too much alcohol or smoking are bad for your senior’s brain in general. That’s true even if your elderly family member has spent a big part of her life with those same habits. Cutting back may not feel easy for her to do, but home care providers can help your elderly family member to establish new routines that make quitting easier. Talk with your senior’s doctor about what else your senior can try.

Spend Time with Other People with Help from Companion Care at Home

Socializing is much more important for brain health than most people know. If your elderly family member seems to have withdrawn a bit from friends or family, she might need help with becoming a little more social. Companion care at home providers are the perfect way to help your senior with socializing because they’re friendly and helpful and they are there for your senior as often as she needs them.

There may be some other tools that can specifically assist your senior with her brain health. Work with her doctor to come up with a care plan that fits her needs.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Companion Care at Home Services in Bridgewater NJ please contact the caring staff at Expert Home Care today at (732) 937-5320.

Providing Live-In Home Care in New Jersey, Since 1985

David Goodman & Frank Esposito
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