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Tips For Writing Old Fashioned Letters

Companion Care at Home Hillsborough NJ-Here are some tips seniors, with the help from their companion care at home aides, can use to write letters to their friends old and new. December is National Write A Friend Month

December is National Write A Friend Month which means it’s a fantastic time for seniors to reach out to old friends with an old-fashioned holiday letter. Writing letters is a wonderful way to rekindle a friendship or make new friends through a pen pal group. And since so many seniors experience loneliness during the holiday writing letters to be friends can help them feel more connected. Seniors who have companion care at home services will have the benefit of a friend right there with them.

Companion care at home aides can help them write letters, get fancy stamps from the post office, and shop for any stationary, special pens, stickers, or other items that your senior parent might want for writing letters. With companion care at home, your senior parent has the benefit of a companion and someone to help them with tasks like mailing the letters that they write.

Some tips seniors, with the help from their companion care at home aides, can use to write letters to their friends old and new are:

Get Fancy

Companion Care at Home Hillsborough NJ - Tips For Writing Old Fashioned Letters
Companion Care at Home Hillsborough NJ – Tips For Writing Old Fashioned Letters

Handwritten letters used to be works of art that had fine inks pressed into the finer paper. Letters were the primary means of communication long ago and people put a lot of time and effort into writing them. People used wax seals with a signature stamp to seal their letters and envelopes. And many people had a particular type of stationary or ink that they used for all their letters as a type of personal style signature. Those finer elements of letter writing have been lost over the years now that people rely mostly on electronic communications but seniors can bring them back during National Write A Friend Month and celebrate by using fancy materials for their letters.

Write Clearly

Handwritten letters can be difficult to read. If your senior loved one is writing letters to other seniors they need to be sure that they are writing clearly or else the letter may be too difficult to read. Seniors who have poor grip strength or can’t hold or use a pen can type their letters or have a companion type them and then they can sign the letter to give it a personal touch.

Decorate The Letters and Be Detailed

Seniors who are writing letters to their friends during December should go all out decorating the letters and making them festive for the holidays. Use special holiday-themed stamps on the envelopes. Decorate with glitter and sticker and ribbon and other items to make them really unique and special. The holidays are the perfect time for letters filled with cheer to be decorated for the season.

When seniors aren’t sure what they should write the best thing to do is to give details. Today the letters that people love the most from the past are the ones that are the most detailed. Those details create an outline of what life is like that future generations will be thrilled to see. Just the way people now look back at letters from hundreds of years ago as a way to imagine what life was like then people in the future will look to letters written now to describe what life is like now.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Companion Care at Home Services in Hillsborough NJ please contact the caring staff at Expert Home Care today at (732) 937-5320.

Providing Live-In Home Care in New Jersey, Since 1985

David Goodman & Frank Esposito

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